I am so excited to welcome you to my new website! I have been thinking about what I would like to next photography wise and I partnered with Glitterazzi Entertainment's CEO, Jillianne Pecynski, to come up with several new ideas that I know you will all be excited about!
I used to just photography artistic nudes, implied nudes and body scapes but now I am venturing out into a new venue.....INK! We are working together to partner with several tattoo shops located within the Charlotte NC area to allow people to show off their art! Tattoos are usually gotten because of a significant event or a memory that the person wants to preserve...why not allow them to tell a story without saying anything?!
Thank you again to Glitterazzi Entertainment for believing in me and allowing me to share this next step in my career with the rest of the world!
Keep an eye out on this website as we will be posting photos from events that I do as well as share art that you can purchase!
Until Next time,